The recipe for my tasty and nutritious Energy Bar

After I posted a photo of my self made energy bar on facebook a while ago. many of you ask me for the recipe.

Well, I don’t want you to keep waiting any longer and finally found the time to write the recipe down.

This bar is not only tasty, but completely made out of natural ingredients, easy to make (no need of an oven even) and most important: It gives you enough energy to sustain the same level during your ride.

This is not a fixed recipe and you can change it according to your taste. Be creative!

Ingredients ( for approximately 20 bars) :

  • 180 g oats
  • 3 table spoon grounded almonds
  • 75 g ingredients of your choice, all mixed and grounded in small pieces (e.g. cashews, dates, sesame seeds, coconut, coffee powder, chocolate, raisins, chia seeds)- be creative and choose what you like
  • a pinch of salt

Mix it all together

  • 5 table spoon coconut oil
  • 3 table spoon honey
  • 2 table spoon peanut butter

heat it up together in a pan

Now mix the liquid and warm mixture with the dry oat-nut mixture. Mix it really well. Then take silver foil and place the mixture on it, distributing it evenly, so that the mass has an 5-7 mm sickness.

Let it cool down. After a few hours cut the mass into bar looking like peaces and wrap them in silver foil. Keep it in the fridge for storage and the bars will last for 2-4 weeks.


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